2022 Holiday Market Vendor Registration Form

Details and Market Rules

Paying for Your Booth

Due to bounced checks and issues tracking down payment last year, we are asking all vendors to pay their vendor fee online during registration, not by mailing in a check. Registration is not complete until payment is received. If paying online is completely impossible for you, please contact us at info@wonderartsvt.org before filling out your registration form to plan for an alternative accommodation.

Sliding Scale Vendor Fee This Year

In order to make the market accessible to newer and smaller vendors, while still covering our costs, we have a sliding vendor fee for each booth type this year. If you have had strong sales in past market years, we encourage you to select the full vendor fee, which reflects the time and money required to put this event together. If you are new to the market or have lower sales, feel free to choose a sliding scale option.

Booth Information

Booth registration and admittance into the market is on a first come, first served basis.

Outdoor Booth

-10' wide, 10' deep - perfect for a standard 10'X10' pop-up tent

-Interior can be arranged in a U, V or L shape (that buyers walk into)

-$50 Registration Fee

Shared Outdoor Booth

-10' wide, 10' deep - perfect for a standard 10'X10' pop-up tent

-Booth will be shared with a buddy vendor in whatever way is agreed upon by both vendors

-Buddy vendors find each other ahead of time and sign up for the booth together

-$60 Registration Fee

-For a shared booth, make sure to list the name of both businesses when registering, so we can promote both of you!

Indoor Booth

-Please do not sign up for an indoor space unless you truly need it due to a medical condition or very delicate items.

-Indoor spaces have room for a 6' wide table. The entire footprint is 8' x 5', but that includes room to walk around the table.

-Bring your own table (and chair if desired)

-A tent is not required or recommended for an indoor space.

-Includes plenty of space for vendors to sit/stand and store items behind their table

-This is for a single vendor only (no splits)

-$50 Registration Fee


All vendors are welcome to bring grab-and-go food items to sell as part of the market (i.e. pastries, candy, loaves of bread, holiday cookies, veggies, jams, bottled cider to take home, dried tea, frozen meat, grocery items, and other delicious things that can be purchased and brought home). Vendors are also welcome to sell gift certificates.

However, we ask that vendors do not offer prepared food (i.e. things you'd purchase at a restaurant/cafe and sit down to eat, such as hot meals, soups, pizza, prepared drinks, etc). We can accept a small number of simple drinks for sale only. **the drink cap has now been reached for this year's market**


Along with the public warming fires outside, vendors will also have access to a warming room inside with hot drinks in case they need to pop in and warm up during the event.

Pandemic Safety

On the day of the event, vendors and visitors will be expected to follow all pandemic safety protocols. We will keep vendors updated closer to the date regarding any safety requirements or adjustments.

Tents if Outside

Tables and tents are not provided. Vendors must bring their own. Due the possibility of snow drift, having at least one tent side wall is also recommended.

Tent Weights if Outside

Outside vendors must weigh down their tent legs. Vendors are responsible for any injury or damage that could occur due to a flyaway tent. We require the standard American tent manufacturer recommendation of 40 lbs per tent leg. Many tents come with sand bags or other similar weights. Old animal feed sacks filled partway with sand are a great inexpensive alternative as long as they are lashed appropriately to the legs. You can ask a neighbor with chickens to save you a few. Stakes are not adequate due to frozen ground or fluffy snow.

WonderArts Raffle Donation

Each vendor is requested to donate a product or gift certificate (suggested value between $10 - $40) for our raffle on the day of the Holiday Market. This is a great way for buyers to see and get excited about your products and frequently leads to increased sales!

Booth Set Up

Vendors will be able to set up booths on Saturday, December 4th (8:30 am - 10:45 am)

Please note: Booths must be completely set up by 10:45 am on Saturday, December 4th


Contact WonderArts at info@wonderartsvt.org or (802) 533-9370

Vendor Agreements

By submitting this form below and checking the ‘I agree’ option in the form, participant agrees to abide by the rules and Vendor Agreement listed above and below and will hold the Rural ARTS Collaborative d/b/a WonderArts and HCA harmless from injuries to any persons, from damages to property or from any losses resulting from participation in this event.

All vendors agree to represent their approved business only and no unapproved business in their booth.

Vendors accept all conditions and details outlined at the top of this registration page.

Vendors agree to adhere to the timeframe of the Holiday Market, including having their booth completely set up by 10:45 am on Saturday. After 3:00 pm, vendors will pack up their booths in a timely manner.

Vendors agree to be familiar with and in compliance with State Law and Health Department Guidelines and Regulations.

Each vendor will supply their own equipment and products for their booth, including tents, tent weights, tables, table covers, personal protection equipment, and hand sanitizer.

Vendors agree not to use any tacks or nails in the walls, agree not to play music of any kind during the show hours, agree to leave the area in the same condition that it was found, and agree to remove all their trash from premises.

Limits of Liability: WonderArts and the Highland Center for the Arts will not be responsible for, or liable for, any loss, theft, damage or injury that may occur to property or persons of the exhibitors. Vendors agree to indemnify WonderArts and the Highland Center for the Arts, against, and hold harmless for, any claim arising out of acts of negligence by vendors, their agents, or employees. WonderArts and the Highland Center for the Arts shall not be responsible for personal articles left in the show area by vendors. All goods placed in the show will be at the risk of the vendor.

Refund policy: Vendors who cancel their registration less than 2 weeks prior to the Holiday Market will not receive a refund unless a substitute vendor is found.

Vendors agree to complete a survey at the end of the Holiday Market.

COVID-19 pandemic-specific disclosures: Because COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is spread mainly from person-to-person contact, HCA and WonderArts has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. However, HCA and WonderArts cannot guarantee that its vendors, participants, volunteers, partners, or others in attendance will not become infected with COVID-19.

Saturday, December 3rd, 11 am to 3 pm, 2022 ~ Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, VT

Registration will remain open until full

Please Complete Form Below to Begin Registration