Expand your creative horizons.
Tell us how your Spark experience has been this year!
Not sure where to start?
If you’ve never used a laser cutter or a 3D printer before, you might be asking, “Are these machines valuable in my community?” Creative tech like 3D printers, CNC machines, and laser cutters are tools to help make your ideas reality. They are safe and easy to learn. Call 802-533-9379 or email spark@ruralartsvt.org to schedule a tour.
What is Creative Tech?
Creative technology, or creative media, is an assistant in the creative process. Artists can try new ways of approaching an idea, and students can explore new pathways to their future. Visit our gallery and guides to browse some of the projects our makers have imagined and created in the Spark makerspace.
Youth mentorship
Spark has been working with teens at Spark and Hazen Union sine 2019. We support youth to find their creative voice, think inovatively, and pursue passions. Are you a teen who wants to learn graphic design, bike repair, or design and create you own innovation? Or do you know a teen who you think would enjoy exploring creativity through tech? Get involved.